The Advanced Test
After completing your course, whether or not you take the test is entirely up to you. We will not put any pressure on you and if you do decide to take the test your result is confidential to you - the only way we will know about it is if you tell us.
RoSPA Advanced Driving and Riding tests are carried out by examiners appointed by RoSPA. All examiners hold a UK Police Advanced Driving and/or Riding Qualification. The cost of the test is currently £77 for drivers and £85 for riders.
After you have paid your fee you will be contacted by your examiner who will agree a date and time for your test. The test usually takes between 45 and 75 minutes and afterwards you will be given a thorough debrief by your examiner.
On successful completion of your test you will be awarded either a Bronze, Silver or Gold level and a test report and certificate will be issued by email within two weeks of your test date.
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